Should Children Use Smartphone?

Today`s topic is very interesting. As most of the parents always complain about their children that their child spends too much time on a smartphone. Well, today we discuss that topic.

As every child has different physiology, depending upon that their interest they surf the internet. In a case study, it is found that most of them spend time on social networking sites or playing games. As the teenage is the most delicate age, they want more care. So they satisfy by using these sites. They go too deep into the virtual world of internet that their thought process affects deeply. Sometimes they become the victims of cyberbullying that will lead to mental trauma and inhibits the growth of the child. 

Surfacing the internet or spend quality time on smartphones is always produce good results. Increasing knowledge or sharing knowledge will always help you in the later stage of life. Children should be permitted on the basis of age like 20-30 min for a child less than 10-year-old and likewise. It is also proven scientifically that if screening time is more than 2 hours than it would affect the thought process of a child. 

Less use of smartphone and healthy talks with elder or friends increase the creativity/thought process. As everyone knows the excess use of anything is bad but still they do that thing.  So parents always encourage them to be more physical.


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